Why doesn't the scraper work properly on our product pages?
In order to scrape product information, we look for schema.org/product data schema as well as og: meta tags. We recommend that you follow one of the mentioned approaches on your product pages. For your convenience, you can find all of them and more about product scraping here.
I receive this message when I import a product: No SKU found on the page – Adding URL as the reference instead: Why?
This is related to the product scraper not being able to find certain information such as title, thumbnail, brand, etc. due to the lack of structured data on the website. As a workaround, you can manually edit a product and add a title, grab the thumbnail URL from the product on the product page and paste that into the product in the dashboard. - For more information on how to fix this and troubleshooting see the below link Bambuser Live Shopping Product Data Scraping
I can't add to the cart during our test in the Dashboard
If you are using our test-embed page, this is normal since we are not on your domain and can't fetch anything from your e-commerce site. To try out the purchase flow a test must be run with a player embedded on your eCommerce site.